Liturgical Ministries

Proclaimers of the Word

If you are a good reader with a clear speaking voice, please consider sharing your talent with our parish family as a proclaimer of the Word, or lector. This is a very important ministry, as you help others at Mass hear the Word of God in the Scriptures at each Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

When there are not enough priests and/or deacons to distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass, extraordinary ministers, or EMs, can come forward and help with this important task. There are specific requirements for this ministry set by the Church, such as you must be at least 18 years old. EMs also visit the sick and homebound and bring our Lord to them in their houses, the hospital, or a nursing home when they are unable to attend Mass. Training is required.

Altar Servers

Young people who have received First Holy Communion, or are about to do so, are invited to help the priest on the altar during Mass. They help carry the cross and candles in the opening procession, help hold the missal for Father, and also help prepare the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They wear a special cassock (colored robe) and surplice (white overlay). This and all necessary training is provided.

For more information on any of these ministries, please contact us.