Children & Youth

Welcome to the Catholic Community of St. Joseph Religious Formation Program.

We strive to meet the needs of the individual child; to create an atmosphere where development can occur and where respect, dignity and faith in God can be nurtured.

This development will be guided by parents and volunteer teachers who teach the students through instruction and example. We believe that through understanding of Catholic doctrine and practices, the student will form Catholic principles and attitudes which will lead him or her to the kingdom of God. Our objectives are to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to offer personal experiences in living through liturgy, prayer, guidance, example and service, to provide the climate and materials necessary for this to happen.

Religious Formation Program

All children in grades 1 – 8 in school should be enrolled in our religious formation program every year.

Sacraments: A minimum of 2 years of preparation is provided for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Details, dates and requirements for these sacraments will be provided at parent meetings.

Class Times and Locations

Sessions for Levels 1-4 are held Tuesday afternoons, and Levels 5-7 are held Tuesday evenings. Level 8 and Confirmation Preparation sessions for older teens are held on Sunday mornings.


Current families

Registration packets for the next year will be sent home in the spring and will be available in the back of the church and at the parish office. Please register as soon as possible as early registrants receive a discount.

New families

Welcome to our program! Please contact the parish office for information on how to register your child. A copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate is needed at registration time, as well as any other records of sacraments received or other programs attended in the past.